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Mediation can be much less expensive than litigation and mediation can help you resolve your case quicker than litigating your case or trying your case in front of a judge.
Mediation is confidential so you are free to discuss all issues and consider any settlement offer.
Mediation is voluntary, no one is going to make decisions for you in mediation.
The short answer is, "you should want to, and you may be ordered to." Many Florida family courts order mediation in any family law case including divorce and paternity actions, before a court will enter a final judgment or grant temporary relief. If you have a case pending in family court, and you have been court ordered to attend mediation, you must attend mediation.
view Mediation Calendar for availability.
You may choose to attend mediation to resolve your divorce or family law case, even though you have not been court ordered to attend mediation. In other words, you do not need a court order to attend mediation.
Whether you have been court ordered to attend mediation or not, mediation is an important step in your family law case. Mediation is an opportunity for you and the other party to discuss resolution of your case under terms you can both agree to. During a mediation session, all issues can be discussed. Issues include: division of marital assets and liabilities, alimony, child support, and a parenting plan. These are important issues in your life and the life of your spouse or other parent, and children if your case involves minor children. Surely no one would disagree with that. Mediation gives you and your spouse or other parent the power to determine the outcome of your case, and gives both parties the power to resolve important issues in a voluntary and confidential setting.
What is the alternative? If your case cannot be resolved in mediation, a family law judges will decide on the issues of your case. This means that a family law judge will decide how to divide marital assets and liabilities. A family law judge will decide how and when parents may see their children by establishing a parenting plan. Mediation is your chance to resolve your case under agreed terms, instead of a court deciding for you.
Copyright © 2018 Law Office of Christophe Fiori, PLLC Office Tampa:
607-A W Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Tampa, Florida 33603 (813) 333-1660- All Rights Reserved.
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