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Florida Family Law Rule of Procedure 12.285 requires each part to submit a completed Financial Affidavit and to provide financial documents in support of the Financial Affidavit. This rule applies to dissolution of marriage or paternity actions; or for modification of a final judgment. The financial affidavit and supporting documents should be disclosed to the other party, or his or her attorney.
If you have retained us to represent you in a family law case, contact us as soon as possible to discuss disclosure of financial documents so that no time is wasted. Remember, the sooner we have these records, the sooner we can begin the process of obtaining temporary relief or defending against such a request.
Please provide our office with all of the documents listed below within seven days after you sign your employment agreement with our office.
This is necessary for two reasons. First, we cannot set a temporary relief hearing without having these documents to provide to your spouse or his/her attorney. This is by rule of the Florida Supreme Court and there can be no exceptions (Florida Family Rule 12.285).
Secondly, we will need these documents to prepare a proposal for settlement or to prepare for a hearing on temporary relief issues.
Additionally, within forty-five days of serving the initial pleading (petition for dissolution of marriage), the court requires additional financial disclosures.
While 45 days may sound like a considerable period of time to gather this information, please be advised that because of the time needed for our office to review the documents and process the accompanying statements required from your attorney, you must allow us at least a two week period which will be subtracted from the deadlines above. Therefore, please start gathering the required documents immediately.
Should you have any questions regarding any of the required documents, please contact us as soon as possible so that no time is wasted.
Remember, the sooner we have these records, the sooner we can begin the process of obtaining temporary relief or defending against such a request.
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Copyright © 2018 Law Office of Christophe Fiori, PLLC Office Tampa:
607-A W Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Tampa, Florida 33603 (813) 333-1660- All Rights Reserved.
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